WIN Auction 2024.12.04 10:00-2024.12.05 15:00 The featured item is KOBELCO SK200-8!


The 92nd WIN Auction 2024.12.04 10:00 - 2024.12.05 15:00 has started!

This time we have many generators as well as hydraulic excavators for sale!

Especially we have a large selection of AIRMAN generators!

We also have some generators with less than 2000hr operating time, so please take a look!

Please narrow down the category in the product search to find what you are looking for 👌

Now, let's look at the December WIN Auction! This December's WIN Auction features...

Lot No.B044 KOBELCO SK200-8!

This machine, SK200-8 #YN12-60510, has no major oil leak inside the engine.

There are no big oil leaks inside the engine and it is clean.

The undercarriage is also in good condition for its age, and there is almost no sagging.

This machine is equipped with HINO's engine “J05E”!

The J05E engine has a high availability of parts such as pistons, cylinder liners, etc., due to the common use of parts.

This is the reason why the J05 engine is so attractive and easy to maintain!

For more information on the above items, please refer to the link below for photos and a valuation report!

Please note that the B Block will close at 14:20 on Thursday, December 5.